Synchronicity Overload

Now I knew I wanted to use the painting of the cursed woman for my previous post. What I did not know at the time I was typing the previous post is that I would be in the exact same situation not even hours later. My mind is still blown and reeling from the coincidence.

I had my first male female male threesome a few hours after writing that post. I had no idea it would be happening. What I had, however, is loads of fun. I was looking forward most to the double penetration and was not disappointed. When I left in the morning I was sore but I for sure would have still wanted more. One of them was knocked out and the other was still going strong.

How is it possible that I used that image and it manifested in my life almost immediately?

I had sent this picture a few weeks ago to my main lover when we were discussing the same matter. I love all of Alpha Channeling‘s work.

Most sex lately is an immersive spiritual experience where I am transported into another world and I keep mumbling prayers of gratitude to the gods, goddesses, guides and everyone that aligns everything perfectly for me to dissociate blissfully.

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